Sony World Photography Awards 2020: desvelados los 63 ganadores nacionales entre 345.000 participantes

Sony World Photography Awards 2020: desvelados los 63 ganadores nacionales entre 345.000 participantes

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Sony World Photography Awards 2020: desvelados los 63 ganadores nacionales entre 345.000 participantes

Un año más, y ya van 13 convocatorias de los premios Sony World Photography, conocemos a los ganadores nacionales de los más de 60 países o regiones que participan: Argentina, Bulgaria, Centroamérica, Italia, China continental... y por supuesto España. Como siempre sorprende la calidad de las imágenes realizadas en 2019 por fotógrafos de todo el mundo con cualquier cámara en sus manos.

Este concurso, organizado por la World Photography Organisation, tiene la idea de promocionar a los fotógrafos de los 63 países/regiones de todo el mundo. En esta categoría premian a un fotógrafo de cada país por una única imagen. Y así les permiten enseñar su trabajo en la exposición Sony World Photography Awards 2020 en Somerset House, Londres, del 17 de abril al 4 de mayo.

Se han presentado en esta ocasión más de 345.000 fotografías, lo que supone el mayor número de inscripciones de todos los concursos que se han convocado hasta ahora. Sería imposible ver a todos los ganadores, así que vamos a destacar los que más nos han llamado la atención en Xataka Foto.

Y por supuesto destacar el trabajo de José Luis Ruiz Jiménez, uno de los fotógrafos de naturaleza más interesantes que podemos encontrar. Tiene en su haber numerosos premios al que podemos sumar el que tenemos ahora entre manos.

Nos ha sorprendido el grafismo de las fotografías seleccionadas y la calidad del procesado de las mismas. El laboratorio digital es muy evidente en la mayoría de ellas. Es uno de los concursos más interesantes a nivel mundial y en el que recomendamos siempre participar.

España: José Luis Ruiz Jimenez

Jose Luis Ruiz Jimenez, Spain, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards Jose Luis Ruiz Jimenez, Spain, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards

Argentina: Agostina Valle Saggio

Portrait of Lucy, 2019: © Agostina Valle Saggio, Argentina, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards Portrait of Lucy, 2019: © Agostina Valle Saggio, Argentina, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards

Chile: Alejandro Cifuentes

Ballet dance inside an old building: © Alejandro Cifuentes, Chile, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards Ballet dance inside an old building: © Alejandro Cifuentes, Chile, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards

Colombia: Liliana Ochoa

Liliana Ochoa, Colombia, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards Workers assemble an iron structure during the construction of a building in Medellín, Colombia: © Liliana Ochoa, Colombia, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards

Ecuador: Esteban Montero

© Esteban Montero, Ecuador, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards Esteban Montero, Ecuador, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards

Guatemala: Gabriel Corado

Guatemala Gabriel Corado, Guatemala, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards

Francia: Greg Lecoeur

During an expedition on a small sailboat, we explore the Antarctica Peninsula by diving below the surface. Although the conditions are extreme with a temperature of minus 1°C, we have documented an extraordinary marine life  in its fragile ecosystem such as on this image: crab-eater seals living on the pack-ice but witch are affected by global warming with the melting of the ice.    Copyright: © Greg Lecoeur, France, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards Greg Lecoeur, France, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards

Japón: Tooru Iijima

Tooru Iijima, Japan, 1st Place, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards Tooru Iijima, Japan, 1st Place, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards

Malasia: Tien Sang Kok

Hundred of horses are galloping when the sun is about to shine its last ray. It is traditionally said that a Mongol without a horse is like a bird without a wing, this is how strong the bond between human being and animal that we should appreciate.  Copyright: © Tien Sang Kok, Malaysia, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards © Tien Sang Kok, Malaysia, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards

México: Liliana Navarrete

I had never noticed the lines that frame the main University City buildings at UNAM, and in my waiting time outside my classroom I decided to capture these lines.  Copyright: © Liliana  Navarrete , Mexico, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards © Liliana Navarrete , Mexico, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards

Noruega: Bjørn-Arild Schancke

Bjørn-Arild Schancke, Norway, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards Bjørn-Arild Schancke, Norway, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards

Portugal: Antonio Bernardino Coelho

Based on an image of the Burj Khalifa skyscraper and surrounding skyline in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, this still life was made out of staples of various sizes. The staples were positioned on black glass with a black background, and lit via three independent sources.     Copyright: © Antonio Bernardino Coelho, Portugal, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards Antonio Bernardino Coelho, Portugal, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards

Turquia: F. Dilek Uyar

From the hard and dusty journey of sheep herd in Bitlis Turkey. I went to Bitlis to take photos in that city and take this in that period . Sheep has a great impartance in Bitlis. It was really hard to take these photos. Sheep has a great impartance in Bitlis.  This photo is like a pastoral symphony .  Copyright: © F. Dilek Uyar, Turkey, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards F. Dilek Uyar, Turkey, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards

Rusia: Sergey Savenko

Sergey Savenko, Russian Federation, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards Sergey Savenko, Russian Federation, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards

Singapur: Victor Gui

Victor Gui, Singapore, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards Victor Gui, Singapore, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards

Eslovenia: Ales Krivec

Ales Krivec, Slovenia, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards Ales Krivec, Slovenia, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards

Serbia: Jelena Jankovic

Jelena Jankovic, Serbia, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards Jelena Jankovic, Serbia, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards

Arabia Saudí: Abbas Alkhamis

Abbas Alkhamis, Saudi Arabia, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards Abbas Alkhamis, Saudi Arabia, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards

Suiza: Alessandra Meniconzi

Alessandra Meniconzi, Switzerland, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards Alessandra Meniconzi, Switzerland, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards

Sri Lanka: Lakshitha Karunarathna

Lakshitha Karunarathna, Sri Lanka, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards Lakshitha Karunarathna, Sri Lanka, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards

Polonia: Jacek Patora

Jacek Patora, Poland, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards Jacek Patora, Poland, Winner, National Awards, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards

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