World Press Photo of the Year 2011 | Samuel Aranda, The New York Times
Ayer se daban a conocer los ganadores de los prestigiosos premios World Press Photo, el máximo galardón internacional en cuanto a fotoperiodismo se refiere, siendo el mayor reconocimiento para el español Samuel Aranda, cuya fotografía en la que una mujer, vestida con un nicab negro, arropa a un herido en las revueltas de Yemen. La Primavera Árabe ha sido, por razones obvias, la gran protagonista de esta edición del concurso, la número 55, que ha contado con la presencia de más de 100.000 fotografías presentadas por 5.247 fotógrafos de 124 países.
La fotografía, como cualquier otra disciplina artística, es grande, en parte, por lo que despierta en el observador, por cómo éste interpreta lo que observa y obra en consecuencia. La imagen de Samuel Aranda, que fotografiaba para The New York Times, porque en España vende más fotografiar famosos, retrata no solo la realidad de Yemen sino la de toda la revolución de la Primavera Árabe y ensalza la figura de la mujer, porque es ella quien se mantiene firme mientras sostiene al herido, porque el nicab no la ciega y sus manos también están manchadas de la misma sangre revolucionaria. Fijaos hasta qué punto es libre la interpretación ulterior que hay quien ve en ella la famosa escena de La Piedad.
Os dejamos con una relación de ganadores y algunas de sus fotografías porque aunque haya un máximo galardón para una sola fotografía existen diversas categorías en este certamen.

1st prize Spot News Singles | Yuri Kozyrev, Russia, Noor Images for Time
Yuri Kozyrev, Russia, Noor Images for Time
Rebels in Ras Lanuf, Libya, 11 March
Massoud Hossaini, Afghanistan, Agence France-Presse
Explosion during religious ceremony, Kabul, Afghanistan, 5 December
Li Yang, China, for China Daily
Rescue of a girl attempting suicide, Changchun, Jilin province, China, 17 May Honorable mention Salil Bera, India, The Week A leopard attacks, Mahananda Wildlife Sanctuary, India
Koichiro Tezuka, Japan, Mainichi Shimbun
Tsunami strikes Natori City, Japan, 11 March
Niclas Hammarström, Sweden, for Aftonbladet
Utøya, Norway, 22 July
Eduardo Castaldo, Italy
Dawn of a revolution, Cairo, Egypt, January-February

1st prize General News Singles | Alex Majoli, Italy, Magnum Photos for Newsweek
Alex Majoli, Italy, Magnum Photos for Newsweek
Protestors at Tahrir Square react to president Mubarak’s announcement not to step
down, Cairo, Egypt, 10 February
Lars Lindqvist, Sweden, Dagens Nyheter
On the pier of Ishinomaki port, Japan, 15 April
Toshiyuki Tsunenari, Japan, Asahi Shimbun
Woman cries amid the ruins of Natori City, Japan, 13 March
Rémi Ochlik, France, IP3 Press
Battle for Libya
Paolo Pellegrin, Italy, Magnum Photos for Zeit Magazin
Tsunami aftermath, Japan, April
David Guttenfelder, USA, The Associated Press for National Geographic magazine
Japan’s nuclear refugees, April-November
Samuel Aranda, Spain, for The New York Times
A woman holds a wounded relative during protests against president Saleh, Sanaa, Yemen, 15 October
Tomasz Lazar, Poland
Arrest of protesters in Harlem, New York City, during a demonstration against police tactics and income inequality. New York, USA, 25 October
Mohammed al-Law, Egypt, The Associated Press
Former Egyptian president Mubarak arrives for his trial, Cairo, Egypt, 7 September
Yasuyoshi Chiba, Japan, Agence France-Presse
Aftermath of the tsunami, Japan, March-April
John Moore, USA, Getty Images
Evicted, Colorado, USA
Jan Dago, Denmark, Jyllands-Posten
The fight for Tahrir Square, Cairo, 1-6 February

2nd prize Sports Singles | Ray McManus, Ireland, Sportsfile
Donald Miralle, Jr., USA
Mass swim start at the Ironman World Championships, Kailua Bay, Hawaii, USA
Ray McManus, Ireland, Sportsfile
Scrum half, Old Belvedere vs. Blackrock, Dublin, Ireland
Henrik Brunnsgård, Sweden
Base jumper Johannes Dagemark takes off of a wind turbine, Skara, Sweden
Alexander Taran, Russia
‘Strelka’, street fighting tournament, St. Petersburg, Russia
Adam Pretty, Australia, Getty Images
World Swimming Championships, Shanghai, China
Tomasz Gudzowaty, Poland, Yours Gallery/Agentur Focus
Lucha libre at La Loba, Mexico City
Brent Stirton, South Africa, Reportage by Getty Images for Kiev Independent
Maria, a drug addict and sex worker, Kryvyi Rig, Ukraine
Ilvy Njiokiktjien, The Netherlands
‘Kolonel’ Jooste trains white Afrikaners at a youth camp, Carolina, South Africa
Simona Ghizzoni, Italy, Contrasto
Jamila, 40, injured during Operation Cast Lead, Gaza Strip Honorable mention Shaofeng Xu, China, ChuTian Metropolis Daily Man climbs up a high voltage electricity tower, Chengdu, Sichuan Province China, 22 November

1st prize Contemporary Issues Stories | Stephanie Sinclair, USA, VII Photo Agency for National Geographic magazine
Stephanie Sinclair, USA, VII Photo Agency for National Geographic magazine
Child brides: Too young to wed
Ebrahim Noroozi, Iran, Jamejam Online
Public executions by hanging, Iran
Pedro Pardo, Mexico, Agence France-Presse
Drug cartel wars, Acapulco, Mexico
Damir Sagolj, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Reuters
Picture of North Korea’s founder Kim Il-Sung on a wall in Pyongyang, 5 October
Johnny Haglund, Norway, Vi Menn
Girls catch fish in the Congo river
Paolo Woods, The Netherlands
Radio presenter sister Melianise Gabreus, Les Cayes, Haiti
Alejandro Kirchuk, Argentina
Never Let You Go
Pietro Paolini, Italy, TerraProject
Alexander Gronsky, Russia,
Pastoral, Moscow Honorable mention Darcy Padilla, USA, Redux Pictures Jason & Elyssa, 2011
Laerke Posselt, Denmark
Iranian-born Danish actress Mellica Mehraban
Guillaume Herbaut, France, Institute for Artist Management for Stiletto
Femen activist Inna Shevchenko, Ukraine
Denis Rouvre, France
Toku Konno, tsunami survivor, Sendai, Japan
Donald Weber, Canada, VII Photo Agency
Interrogation room, Ukraine
Ton Koene, The Netherlands
Recruits at police training center, Kunduz, Afghanistan
Simon Norfolk and John Burke, UK
Burke + Norfolk, Afghanistan, 19th and 21st century
David Goldman, USA, The Associated Press
Cpl. Ben Vandandaigue plays the drums at a Canadian base, Kandahar, Afghanistan
Vincent Boisot, France, Riva Press for Le Figaro Magazine
Dakar fashion week, model poses in Yolande Mancini’s design, Senegal
Pavel Prokopchik, The Netherlands
Local shaman performs ritual, Ungurtas, Kazakhstan
Rob Hornstra, The Netherlands, Institute for Artist Management
The Sochi Project: Sochi Singers
Emiliano Larizza, Italy, Contrasto
Saut-d’Eau Pilgrimage, Haiti
Huimin Kuang, China, Huang Jianglu newspaper
The Return of the Native, Mao Zedong remembered

1st prize Nature Singles | Jenny E. Ross, USA
Jenny E. Ross, USA
Polar bear attempts to feed on sea birds’ eggs, Novaya Zemlya, Russia
Joan Costa, Spain, for Malaspina Expedition
Specimen of a heteropoda, Pacific Ocean
Francesco Zizola, Italy, Noor Images
Tuna fish in the Tonnara, off Carloforte Island, Sardinia, Italy
Brent Stirton, South Africa, Reportage by Getty Images for National
Geographic magazine Rhino wars
Carsten Peter, Germany, National Geographic magazine
Hang Ken, infinite cave, Vietnam
Paul Hilton, UK, EPA for Pew
Shark fin
Más información | World Press Photo
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